Monday, September 8, 2008

Revenge is a dish best served by a chick.

So, once again, a woman is stuck with the dirty work. The GOP, tired of having its nuts cracked by Hillary Clinton, have enlisted a woman of their own to crack the nuts of the Democrats. Because, of course, nobody fights dirty like a girl.

Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC launched her even higher into the stratosphere of political stardom. She epitomizes all aspects of the hockey mom: modesty, protectiveness, ability to juggle career and family life, and will bring out the claws when another kid knocks her son down on the ice. 

I can't help but notice, gentle reader, that this very same assertiveness/aggressiveness was derided in Clinton. Sounds like some people can't take it as well as they can dish it out.

The GOP is having its cake and eating it too: not only are they being selectively sexist in their classifications of Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, but they are loving every minute of it. Rather than continue their tired old campaign of selling Obama short on the whole "experience" issue, they think they've revitalized their campaign by changing faces instead of platforms. Empty promises and wild accusations sound so much better when a woman is getting her hands dirty, instead of some old white guy.

Too bad that Hillary didn't win the nomination: then the debates could take place in a tub of Jell-o. Best election ever.

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